There is a special offer for stainless steel corkscrew, barrel and stainless steel thread. Prices for these positions:


Stainless welded nipple DN 50 (60.3 mm) AISI 304 107 RUB/piece with VAT

Stainless welded nipple DN 50 (60.3 mm) AISI 316 126 rubles/piece with VAT


Stainless welded barrel DN 50 (60.3 mm) AISI 304 – 250 rub/piece with VAT

Stainless welded barrel DN 50 (60.3 mm) AISI 316 – 315 rubles/piece with VAT


Stainless steel SGON DN 50 (60.3 mm) AISI 304 350 rub/piece with VAT

Stainless steel Sgon DN 50 (60.3 mm) AISI 316 550 rubles/piece with VAT


For more information, please contact the sales department managers.