Stainless steel tees

Stainless tees are a type of fittings designed to separate or connect the flows of the working medium in pipelines for various purposes. They are a T-shaped part with three inputs/outputs. Stainless steel tees are widely used in various sectors of the economy. This is due to their numerous advantages, including:

  • resistance to mechanical loads: high pressure and its fluctuations, vibration, shock loads, etc.;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures and their fluctuations;
  • corrosion resistance, which allows them to be installed in pipelines with an aggressive working environment and at high ambient humidity;
  • reliability and durability. The service life of stainless steel fittings is tens of years.

The fields of application of stainless tees are chemical, petrochemical, gas industry, oil production and refining, mechanical engineering, construction, housing and communal services, transport.

Our company offers stainless steel tees AISI 304 (08X18H10), AISI 316 (03X17H14M2), 12(08)X18H10T of two types: welded and threaded.

Welded tees are used in pipelines operating under high loads, where tightness of the connection is especially important, as well as for the installation of large diameter pipe sections. They are connected to the pipeline by welding, providing an all-in-one connection. We supply welded tees of two types - electrowelded (DIN standard) and seamless (GOST). The first type of reinforcement has lower strength characteristics compared to the second due to the presence of welds and is used on less loaded pipelines. Seamless tees are supplied with equal passage and transitional. Transients are used when installing sections of pipeline with different diameters.

Threaded tees are the most common type of tees, used including in everyday life. They are used in the following cases:

  • frequent disassembly and subsequent installation of the connection is required, for example, for flushing and other types of maintenance;
  • a convenient and simple installation is required;
  • it is impossible to apply welding during installation, etc.

We offer equal-bore tees with internal thread according to DIN 2999 standard in a wide range of sizes, which determines their diverse application.